First and foremost... I don't understand how or why it works but it does!

For most of my life (I am a woman in her late 50's) I have had stomach issues, which really was all about my digestive system (bowel) not working properly. Since I was 18 years old, I have suffered with irregular bowel movements. As I grew older it got worse - once every 3-4 days. When I went to see my doctor, he told me that "that's just how your body works." I was always tired, bloated and basically feeling uncomfortable and no energy.

I was referred by someone who thought that Al might be able to help me with the hot flashes and not being able to sleep. At the time, falling asleep and staying asleep was a problem. I was taking sleeping aids and of course I was also having hormone issues which included mood swings. I honestly didn't think at my first meeting with Al that he could help me with my digestive problems, but that's where we started and it worked!

Since seeing Al, I am no longer constipated, I sleep full nights and hot flashes are almost nonexistent and my energy levels have also increased. Al and I started working on getting my body back to the way it should work, as he explained we are building a "new house" one story at a time, starting with the basement! Slowly my body began changing, at first it would get better and then just before a "tune-up" with Al I could feel it slip a little bit back to the old ways, as time went on this happened less and less and I started feeling better and better!

My son, who has noticed the changes in me, asked me if Al could have a look at his son and if he might have any ideas on how to solve his son's skin problems. My grandson at the time was 16 months old with large patches of eczema on his face and spotted throughout his body. The doctor they saw recommended "bleach baths" which was not something his parents wanted to do. Al took one look at my grandson and said "it's dairy" with the recommendation to cut out all dairy for 6 weeks and see if it changes. It did. He no longer has eczema on his face or body.

My husband also saw the changes in me and wanted to go see Al. It's working for him too, but of course, that's his story to tell!

Al has so much knowledge of the human body and the effects of the food we eat, the environment we live in and of course the medications that we take. I want to state AL NEVER tells you to quit taking your medication! He helps you to work with your doctor and the medication that you are taking. His hope if for your doctor to see the changes in your body and the goal is to eventually cut down on the amount prescribed. So, if you think by seeing Al he's going to tell you not to take your medication, he won't.

My advice to anyone that is thinking of meeting with Al at BioReset Health and Wellness, GO! Keep an open mind because it works, but it takes time to reset a body.

Gayle, Edmonton